Organic EVO Oil

Extra virgin olive oil of superior material obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means. Produced exclusively from the olive groves of the Associated Farms.

A good and healthy food to season and enrich everyday dishes.


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• in Italia sopra i €60
• in Europa sopra i €150

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I materiali che usiamo sono:

• Tappo versatore in plastica raccolta plasticaLDPE04

• Tappo in plastica PP05 raccolta plastica

• Capsula C/PVC90 raccolta plastica

• Bottiglia in vetro GL70 raccolta vetro

• Etichetta PAP22 raccolta carta

• Tubo portabottiglia raccolta carta.

• Tappo sughero raccolta organico

• Tappo dosatore raccolta plastica.


This oil is a real nectar of olives, passion, conviction and the courageous choice to cultivate these antique trees once more in the Emilia landscape. It was born from an in depth historical research into the ancient olive-growing settlements of the territory and from the desire to reintroduce this precious beneficial food as a typical product in this area.

Thus the name Meditation for this unique oil, obtained from cold pressed ORGANIC olives on the hills upstream of Salsomaggiore Terme, Parma.

We recommend combining it with our “RESERVE” condiments

Available in 250ml bottles, with integrated dispenser.

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